Iced Tea

Marie Martell Isbell
Now some may laugh at placing this recipe in this cookbook, but Yankee visitors to our home really like our iced tea. The last time Tony traveled for work, he was in Chicago and when he asked if the tea was sweet, no one knew what he was talking about! And he was served instant tea, to boot!


  • 1 qt of water
  • 3 to 5 tea bags, depending on how strong you like your iced tea


  1. Bring the water almost to a boil, either in the microwave or on the stove
  2. Remove from heat and place the tea bags in the water.
  3. Let them steep for 5 to 10 minutes
  4. Remove the tea bags and allow the tea to cool
  5. Add sugar if you like sweet tea
  6. Pour over lots of ice
  7. Garnish with a lemon slice (optional) and serve

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