Boiled Fish

This may be a dinner that we had when we were down to a foursome family. Mike and I really enjoyed it. Cindy Gansmiller Judy Fredericks Martell


  • 1 pound of sole, cod, perch or haddock, frozen
  • 2 quarts of water
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • Butter


  1. Bring the water, sugar and salt to a boil and drop in the frozen fish.
  2. Return the water to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the fish from the water and drain.
  4. Dip in drawn or clarified butter (ghee) and lemon juice.
  5. Drawn or clarified butter (From the Joy of Cooking): Over low heat, melt butter completely. Remove from the heat and let stand for a few minutes to allow the milk solids to settle to the bottom. Skim the butter fat from the top and strain the clear yellow liquid into a container.

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